write a report where you critically analyze the strategy of an existing company, offering your original views and your strategic recommendations.

The assignment requires you to write a report where you critically analyze the strategy of an existing company, offering your original views and your strategic recommendations.
As subject of this assignment you can choose any organisation active in the broader aviation/ transportation/ tourism.

Your report should contain content covering the following four key areas:

1. Strategic purpose

In this section you should describe the reason why the organisation exists and what it plans to achieve.
This should include an overview of the nature of its business, organisational Culture, aim (Mission,
Vision/Core Values, including Founders’ vision if appropriate) and the different stakeholders involved.

2. Strategic analysis

A critical analysis of the context in which the companies operates, aimed at offering valuable strategic
insights. This should include an analysis of both the external and the internal environment, using tools such
as SWOT, Pestle, Core Competencies, Value Chain.

3. Strategic options

In this section you should take a consulting approach: present a critical overview of the strategy currently
adopted by the organisation, a list of possible alternative strategic options that you envisioned and your
recommendation on what course should be chosen and why. Here you are encouraged to use creativity
and imagination and you should not be afraid to recommend a very innovative or extreme strategic option,
if you believe it would be the best one. Whatever your recommendation is, you will need to back it up with a
solid rationale.

4. Strategic implementation

An overview of the possible actions needed to implement and monitor the organisation’s strategy. This
could include an analysis of the actions being taken or planned, changes in resources