Outline of Technology-Supported Security Solution: The security of Hospital A’s IoMT devices will be fortified by implementing Application Security, automated Patch Management with scheduled system audits, proper asset inventory, network segregation with VLANs, Identity and Access Management, Firewalls with integrated IDS for thorough packet monitoring, and a Security Policy to help educate employees and reduce the risk of intrusion via Social Engineering.

Capstone Project Name: Securing Hospital A’s Internet Of Medical Things (IoMT) Devices

Project Topic:

Modifying the existing hospital infrastructure to provide a secure
environment for Hospital A’s IoMT Devices.

Summary of the Problem: Hackers are increasing the frequency and complexity of their attacks towards Healthcare Institutions; After a recent hack on Hospital A’s network originating from its IoMT network, my firm has been contracted to take steps to ensure the secure and reliable operation of the Internet of their Medical Things (IoMT) devices and supporting infrastructure, by fortifying the existing environment.

Outline of Technology-Supported Security Solution: The security of Hospital A’s IoMT devices will be fortified by implementing Application Security, automated Patch Management with scheduled system audits, proper asset inventory, network segregation with VLANs, Identity and Access Management, Firewalls with integrated IDS for thorough packet monitoring, and a Security Policy to help educate employees and reduce the risk of intrusion via Social Engineering.