Watch a typical blockbuster/tentpole movie. In a written analysis, demonstrate how your chosen film adheres to or varies from the common traits of blockbuster/tentpole movies listed below:

Watch a typical blockbuster/tentpole movie. In a written analysis, demonstrate how your chosen film adheres to or varies from the common traits of blockbuster/tentpole movies listed below:

High concept, easily understood storylines
Action sequences in the films
Presold movies with high audience awareness before they are even made
Often a sequel or remake
Featuring a global star in a lead role Huge budgets for production and marketing Marketing tie-ins such as action figures at McDonalds or an image on Pepsi cans as well as toys easily maximized Major studio releases Often heavy doses of special effects

Aimed at the 16 – 24 year-old male audience (with the Pixar films skewing differently as they are “four quadrant” films)
The majority (often vast majority) of the box office coming from overseas – a case of Hollywood making movies for foreign audiences more so than for Americans Also, you must include the box office percentages. You can find them by searching for your movie here: (Links to an external site.) and when you pull up your movie almost always it will tally the total box office and how much came domestically from the United States and how much came from the international markets.