What are the dilemmas in your case? How does your case relate to the weekly topic? Which environment or energy related aspects of the conflict do you recognize in your conflict case?

In this reflective discussion assignment, focus on the issues of environment, energy security, natural resources, and conflict. Please choose one of the documentaries listed in the module, watch and reflect on it through the discussion board. Please don’t forget to refer to the module readings, lectures, videos etc. for full credit.

Questions to guide you on the discussion board (you may pick 3 of them):
What are the dilemmas in your case?
How does your case relate to the weekly topic?
Which environment or energy related aspects of the conflict do you recognize in your conflict case?
Do you think that the link between environment and the conflict you are working on is a direct one?
Are there any connections between natural resources and conflicts?
What do you think about potential roles for as well as potential challenges in front of conflict resolvers in dealing with environmental conflicts?
Like any discussion assignment, you should follow the guide and grading rubric. You must reply to the posts of at least 2 peers. You may find common points or divergence between your documentary and theirs. You can have conversations over them in your replies. There is no word limit but you should make sure to provide the basic arguments in the documentary and discuss them.

Twenty-first century energy wars: how oil and gas are fuelling global conflicts