Analyze the potential economic opportunities and risks associated with a proposed initiative.

Competencies Measured
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment scoring guide criteria:
Competency 1: Analyze the effects of financial and economic factors (such as cost-benefit, supply and demand, return on investment, and risks) in a health care system on patient care, services offered, and organizational structures and operation.
Analyze the potential economic opportunities and risks associated with a proposed initiative.
Analyze the economic costs and benefits of a proposed initiative over a five-year period.
Competency 2: Develop ethical and culturally equitable solutions to economic problems within a health care organization in an effort to improve the quality of care and services offered.
Propose ethical and culturally equitable ways of keeping costs under control, while maximizing the benefits of an initiative.
Competency 3: Justify the qualitative and quantitative information used to guide economic decision making to stakeholders and colleagues.
Justify the relevance and significance of the quantitative and qualitative economic, financial, and scholarly evidence used to support a business case.
Competency 4: Develop ethical and culturally equitable economic strategies to address dynamic environmental forces and ensure the future security of an organization’s resources and its ability to provide quality care.
Propose ethical and culturally sensitive solutions that address the risks associated with an initiative to the future economic security of the organization or care setting.
Competency 5: Produce clear, coherent, and professional written work, in accordance with Capella writing standards.
Write concisely and directly using active voice.
Apply APA formatting to in-text citations and references.