What is the age of the buildings? Are the residences single family or multifamily dwellings? Approximate age, type of architecture, construction materials

Windshield Survey Tool Template: You can fill out as much of this as you wish it is a guide but you will be required to upload this with your final PPT presentation.

Are the boundaries geographical, political, or economic?
Do neighborhoods have names?
Are there sub-communities?
How are these identified?
Commercial or residential?
Is the community identified by name? Notes (to make notes about the questions on the left)
Housing and Zoning
What is the age of the buildings? Are the residences single family or multifamily dwellings? Approximate age, type of architecture, construction materials
Single/ Multi-family, Size of yards, General condition, Vacancies, Vehicles parked in driveways, on streets
Streetlights, sidewalks, curbs, gutters, open drainage ditches
Are there geographic features that can harm the community? Are there plants or animals that could harm or threaten the health of the community? Human-made environment.
General Resident Health Observations:
Does there appear to be a general positive or negative health behavior evident in the area? What are the cluse? The residents of the area appear inactive or active physically? Does it appear that the residents isolate indoors are are more active outdoors? What is the negative or positive health behavior that you observed?
Community Health Issues:
Based on your observation what do you see as being a health issue that you would expect from your observations? Do you see a lot of people overweight or obese?
Is there evidence of political activity? Are there any signs that indicate a predominant political party (parties)or concern(s)?