Develop an enterprise strategy for an organization. Develop a basic IT strategy for an organization.

Throughout this course, the CIO or senior IT leadership perspective has been applied to the development of enterprise strategy and IT strategy. For the course project, assume the role of the new CIO of your organization. Your organization can be your current organization, a prior organization, or any organization of interest to you for which you can find adequate information on the nature of its business. Write a paper in which you describe the organization and its current state, including the degree to which the organization relies upon IT. Develop a strategy for the enterprise and the IT organization based upon course content. Describe the alignment of IT’s strategy to that of the broader enterprise organization. Discuss what changes will be needed and how you will lead those changes. Support the strategy with peer-reviewed resources.
To successfully complete this project, you will be expected to:
Conduct an external environment analysis and an internal analysis of the competencies, resources, and capabilities of the firm.
Use PESTEL model to scan and evaluate a firm’s external environment.
Use Five Force Model to analysis the industry’s profit potential.
Conduct an internal analysis of a firm’s core competencies.
Identify the firm’s VRIO resources.
Identify the firm’s value chain activities.
Conduct a SWOT analysis to identify a possible enterprise strategy that can be IT enabled.
Identify the business strategies, corporate strategies, innovation strategies, and global strategies used by the firm. Explain how these strategies support the organization’s goals.
Develop an enterprise strategy for an organization.
Develop a basic IT strategy for an organization.
Analyze the alignment between an enterprise strategy and an IT strategy.
Create a plan for risk management in an enterprise.
Assess change management plans for implementing an enterprise-level strategy and an IT-level strategy in an enterprise.
Analyze the role of a CIO or IT leadership in instilling values in the organizational culture.
Communicate in a professional manner using scholarly resources that support the analysis through clear, concise, well-organized, and grammatically correct writing that incorporates appropriate APA style conventions.