Critically evaluate your practice as a Person Centred counsellor using the ethics set out in the ethical code of conduct from the BACP Framework. Explain client contractual arrangements

You are coming to the end of your L5 Therapeutic Counselling course and you are reflecting upon your experiences of your placement(s) over the past two years. To get the best out of this activity you collate relevant documents and organise your thoughts about your counselling in regard to the BACP ethical code of conduct.

Complete two reports: For both reports, refer to a client that has completed a minimum of six one to one counselling sessions with you and that you have discussed with your clinical supervisor(s) in one to one and group sessions

Report A
Critically evaluate the role of clinical supervision in completing your 100 hours counselling practice in an agency setting.
Explain the purpose of supervision in relation to chosen specialist theoretical model (Person Centred Therapy)( Humanistic Aproach)
Analyse the value to self of counselling supervision
Evaluate the benefit to the counselling process of supervision

Report B
Critically evaluate your practice as a Person Centred counsellor using the ethics set out in the ethical code of conduct from the BACP Framework.
Explain client contractual arrangements
Explain how you have applied the framework in a placement
Evaluate your own practice in relation to the framework