What are the similarities in lifestyle of the selected group and your own?

The task for this assignment is to research the lifestyles of one of the Amish.
Find and read at least three sources
(academic journal articles / book chapters / magazine articles)
about the selected group. Think about differences and similarities
that you notice between the lifestyle of the selected group and
your own.
Prepare an essay, where you will:
o Describe the origin of the group
o Describe its practices and beliefs
o Describe its way of life
o Answer the following question: What are the similarities in lifestyle of the
selected group and your own?
o Answer the following question: What are the differences in lifestyle of the
selected group and your own?
o List all References. Include all sources you used for this assignment using ASA style.
You can find more information on ASA citation style under the following link:

Word limits: between 500 and 600 words