In your introduction, introduce two articles that focus on a rhetorical term or concept. Present a definition of the issue or concept from your point of view. Identify the titles of the articles and authors, the date and source of publication, and the overall idea or argument presented. In the body, provide summaries of the two arguments and explanation of ideas.

In your introduction, introduce two articles that focus on a rhetorical term or concept. Present a definition of the issue or concept from your point of view. Identify the titles of the articles and authors, the date and source of publication, and the overall idea or argument presented.
In the body, provide summaries of the two arguments and explanation of ideas.
In the conclusion, present your understanding of the discussion between the articles, specifically identifying what is important to consider about the arguments, their agreements and/or disagreements.
First drafts and revisions should be submitted via Canvas. For structure, refer to the Map of the Sophisticated Report/Literature Review handout.