Identify and describe the issue you are working on from the first assessment. Identify possible solutions, impacted stakeholders, and necessary resources to accomplish your proposal.

Think through the following prompts and write 3–5 pages capturing your thoughts. You will apply this thinking to your work in the remaining assessments of this course.

Identify and describe the issue you are working on from the first assessment. Identify possible solutions, impacted stakeholders, and necessary resources to accomplish your proposal. This is a more in-depth look than you took in the Innovative Trends in Education assessment. You will want to be clear of your proposal’s scope and the resources you will need to accomplish it. Consider:
What will it take to address the issue you identified?
What are the expedient solutions and the best possible solutions?
What resources will be required to address the issue and develop a solution?
What benefits will accrue from implementing the solution?
Who would the stakeholders be?
Who would you need to enlist for support with a solution proposal?
How would you characterize your institution’s reaction to the change you are suggesting?
Is your institution quick to adopt innovation, or is it lagging behind and in need of an update?
Describe any institutional changes that might be needed to implement the solution.
Will there need to be any organizational restructuring of people, policies, or processes?
What resistance might you encounter in your workplace if you attempted to implement this solution?
Who might be its biggest supporters?
What specific actions will be needed to address these issues and leverage the opportunities?
How will you begin to build a shared vision?
Assess your mental model and preparedness to lead this initiative and exercise positive influence in an institution.
What mindset is required to address this problem and exercise positive influence?
What leadership skills will be necessary for you to employ?
As an educational leader, are you prepared to lead this implementation?
How will you use influence and other leadership skills (such as shared vision or teamwork mentality) to address the problem?
Additional Requirements
Your assessment should meet the following requirements: