Comment on each link above by title, with 2-3 or more concrete details from all 6 links. This includes 4 or more points about Herbert’s biography which is in video 1 above

Week 8 Links Assignment Details

We have six videos to view/listen to, review and react to in this assignment:

1. (A 16-minute video about poet George Herbert. Note 4 DETAILED things about his family; where Herbert grew up, lived and worked, and his approach to his own poetry)
2. (Letter 23 of The Screwtape Letters by CS Lewis. Topic is Corrupting faith by constructing an ‘historical Jesus’).
3. (Poem My Last Duchess by Robert Browning). Helpful detailed analysis – START with this before re-readding and commenting on the poem on your own.)
4. (Analysis of words, lines and ideas in the poem Ozymandias by Percy Byshe Shelley)
5. (Poet Claude McKay’s life. He is the author of poem called America – attached)
6. (Ozymandias poem illustrated with video)
Comment on each link above by title, with 2-3 or more concrete details from all 6 links. This includes 4 or more points about Herbert’s biography which is in video 1 above.
In general, remember the following for all 6 links above: provide 2-3 reactions or comments to lessons learned and facts or insights they provide -– here our learning target focuses on content.  What important facts did you learn?  What helpful details did you pull from each video?  If it’s a short or comical link, what amused you and why? Focus on your interpretation, not what goes on, but what you think and why.

Use your original words and ideas throughout. Do not use any references or previous essays. The prof uses plagiarism software such as Turn It In.