Identify data to collect in patients with fluid and electrolyte imbalances. Describe therapeutic measures for patients with fluid and electrolyte imbalances.

When typing in your answers MAKE SURE THE ANSWERS ARE IN BOLD ONLY

Define each Word
acidosis (as-ih-DOH-sis)
alkalosis (al-kah-LOH-sis)
anion (AN-eye-on)
antidiuretic (AN-ty-DY-yuh-RET-ik)
arrhythmia (uh-RITH-mee-ah)
cation (KAT-eye-on)
dehydration (DEE-hy-DRAY-shun)
diffusion (dih-FEW-shun)
edema (eh-DEE-mah)
electrolytes (ee-LEK-troh-lites)
extracellular (EX-trah-SELL-yoo-lar)
filtration (fill-TRAY-shun)
hydrostatic (HY-droh-STAT-ik)
hypercalcemia (HY-per-kal-SEE-mee-ah)
hyperkalemia (HY-per-kuh-LEE-mee-ah)
hypermagnesemia (HY-per-MAG-nuh-SEE-mee-ah)
hypernatremia (HY-per-nuh-TREE-mee-ah)
hypertonic (HY-per-TAWN-ik)
hypervolemia (HY-per-voh-LEE-mee-ah)
hypocalcemia (HY-poh-kal-SEE-mee-ah)
hypokalemia (HY-poh-kuh-LEE-mee-ah)
hypomagnesemia (HY-poh-MAG-nuh-SEE-mee-ah)
hyponatremia (HY-poh-nuh-TREE-mee-ah)
hypotonic (HY-poh-TAWN-ik)
hypovolemia (HY-poh-voh-LEE-mee-ah)
interstitial (IN-tur-STISH-uhl)
intracellular (IN-trah-SELL-yoo-ler)
intracranial (IN-trah-KRAY-nee-uhl)
intravascular (IN-trah-VAS-kyoo-ler)
isotonic (EYE-so-TAWN-ik)
osmolarity (OZ-moh-LAR-it-ee)
osmosis (ahs-MOH-sis)
osteoporosis (AHS-tee-oh-por-OH-sis)
semipermeable (SEM-ee-PER-mee-uh-bull)
transcellular (trans-SELL-yoo-lar)
Acid–Base Balance
Fluid and Electrolyte Balance
Identify the purposes of fluids and electrolytes in the body.
List the signs and symptoms of common fluid imbalances.
Predict patients who are at the highest risk for dehydration and fluid excess.
Identify data to collect in patients with fluid and electrolyte imbalances.
Describe therapeutic measures for patients with fluid and electrolyte imbalances.
Identify the education needs of patients with fluid imbalances.
Categorize common causes, signs and symptoms, and treatments for sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium imbalances.
Identify foods that have high sodium, potassium, and calcium contents.
Give examples of common causes of acidosis and alkalosis.
Compare how arterial blood gases change for each type of acid-base imbalance.