Choose the best answer unless directed otherwise.-Which of the following intravenous solutions is hypotonic?

Choose the best answer unless directed otherwise.
1. Which of the following intravenous solutions is hypotonic?
1. Normal saline
2. 0.45% saline
3. Ringer’s lactate
4. 5% dextrose in normal saline
2. Which of the following hormones retains water in the body?
1. Antidiuretic hormone
2. Thyroid hormone
3. Adenosine triphosphate
4. Insulin
3. Which food should be avoided by the patient on a low-sodium diet?
1. Applesauce
2. Deli turkey
3. Chicken
4. Broccoli
4. Which food is recommended for the patient who must increase intake of potassium?
1. Bread
2. Eggs
3. Potatoes
4. Cereal
5. Which is the most reliable method for monitoring fluid balance?
1. Daily intake and output
2. Daily weight
3. Vital signs
4. Skin turgor
6. An older adult patient presents to the emergency department reporting severe vomiting and diarrhea, sweating, and rapid heartbeat but has a normal temperature. In continuing the assessment of the patient, what should the nurse first suspect?
1. Hypervolemia
2. Dehydration
3. Edema
4. Hyponatremia
Choose the best answer unless directed otherwise.
7. Which patient is most at risk for fluid volume overload?
1. The 40-year-old with meningitis
2. The 35-year-old with kidney failure
3. The 60-year-old with psoriasis
4. The 2-year-old with influenza
8. Which patients should be monitored closely for dehydration? Select all that apply.
1. A 50-year-old with an ileostomy
2. A 19-year-old with chronic asthma
3. A 22-year-old with diabetes mellitus
4. A 45-year-old with a temperature of 102.3°F
5. A 28-year-old with a broken femur
6. A 36-year-old taking diuretic therapy
9. An older-adult nursing home resident who has always been alert and oriented is now showing signs of dehydration and has become confused. Which electrolyte imbalance is most likely involved?
1. Hyponatremia
2. Hyperkalemia
3. Hypercalcemia
4. Hypomagnesemia
10. The nurse is caring for a patient with osteoporosis who appears weak and frail. Which of the following nursing interventions is best?
1. Maintain bed rest.
2. Encourage fluids.
3. Ambulate with assistance.
4. Provide a high-protein diet.
11. A 19-year-old patient develops symptoms of respiratory alkalosis related to an anxiety attack. Which nursing intervention is most appropriate?
1. Make sure the patient’s oxygen is being administered as ordered.
2. Have patient breathe into a paper bag.
3. Place patient in a semi-Fowler position.
4. Have patient do coughing and deep-breathing exercises.
12. A patient has chronic respiratory acidosis related to long-standing lung disease. Which of the following problems is the cause?
1. Hyperventilation
2. Hypoventilation
3. Loss of acid by kidneys
4. Loss of base by kidneys
13. The nurse is providing discharge instructions for a patient taking an oral potassium chloride supplement. Which of the following statements by the patient indicates that more teaching is needed? Select all that apply.
1. “I won’t use salt substitutes that have potassium until I talk to my doctor.”
2. “I need to have my blood checked routinely.”
3. “I should take my supplement first thing in the morning and then wait 30 minutes before eating.”
4. “If the pill is too big to swallow, I can crush it.”
5. “I should call the doctor if I have nausea, vomiting, or abdominal cramps.”
6. “I can expect some diarrhea with this medication.”