Assume that you have been contracted to help a brand of your choice enter a new market.

Assume that you have been contracted to help a brand of your choice enter a new market. The choice of market is up to the individual student and can be geographic, transferring to an online platform, or consumer profile driven.

This coursework should present an integrated marketing plan in report format. The report should adhere to the following structure (i.e. the SOSTAC model):
Situational Analysis (e.g. Brand/company information, background to existing brand elements; competitor analysis; customer journey)
Strategy – based around CBBE model
Actions (including budget and timetable).
Control (including implementation and metrics for evaluation).

Word Count and Format

The word count guide for part 1 of the coursework is not more than 3,500 words (+/- 10%). Anything over 3,850 will be disregarded. Please state the word count for both parts of the assignment on the first page of your assignment. The word count excludes any title page, the reference list at the end of the report, or any appendices. However, please resist the temptation to put material that really should be in the main text into appendices.

All material (academic and other) that you cite should be properly referenced in the text and in the reference list (in Harvard style) at the end of your report.