Using at least ONE specific example from Bennett and Royle’s essay on “Racial difference,” please clearly and precisely explain how Charlotte Brontë’s novel Jane Eyre “articulates how racial otherness is constituted.”

1. [3 points] Using at least ONE specific example from Kwame Anthony Appiah’s “Race,” clearly and precisely explain the difference between “racism” and “racialism.” Be as precise and explicit as possible.

2. [3 points] Using at least ONE specific example from Bennett and Royle’s essay on “Racial difference,” please clearly and precisely explain how Charlotte Brontë’s novel Jane Eyre “articulates how racial otherness is constituted.”

3. [4 points]
A) Using at least ONE specific example from Nealon’s and Giroux’s thirteenth chapter (“Agency”), please clearly and precisely answer the following question: “[If] we are all subject to social contexts… why and how does anyone ever resist or remake dominant norms?”

B) Using at least ONE specific example from Nealon’s and Giroux’s thirteenth chapter, clearly and precisely answer the following question: How does power “produce” things as well as repress things?