What challenges did she experience that people with disabilities no longer have to overcome?

Answer the three questions below in your own words. PART 2 is to find a blog and comment on the blog and Part 3 is to answer the final questions from the article Out of institution and You’re home.

1. What insights from her writing did you find to be the most inspiring?

2. What challenges did she experience that people with disabilities no longer have to overcome?

3. How does her past experience relate to today’s disability struggles?

Blogs by people with disabilities: Over the last few years, the Internet has given rise to Blogging as a major communication vehicle. There are many popular Blogs written by people with disabilities. Post a favorite Blog you follow that is written by a person with a disability and reflect on its significance.

Out of Institutions and You’re Home(Out of Institutions and You’re Home: Former Residents of State institutions Speak Out: Out Of Institution &You’re Home-SFO-2000-V1-Optimized.pdf

4. What resonated for you in the words of former residents of state institutions?

5. What resonated for you if you read the other readings: