What is the difference between acute and chronic disease? List the five most common chronic diseases that occur as we age. What lifestyle changes might make the most difference in reducing those chronic diseases?

1. Several biological theories of aging have emerged over the past 50 years. Pick three of these theories and summarize them.
2. Which organ systems tend to show the most age related changes? Which show the least?
3. List three examples of “normal” age-associated changes in visual functioning and three examples of diseases that aff ect vision, which tend to increase with age.
4. Describe some communication tips and changes in the environment that professionals working with older people with hearing loss might use to improve communication.
5. What is the difference between acute and chronic disease? List the five most common chronic diseases that occur as we age. What lifestyle changes might make the most difference in reducing those chronic diseases?
6. What are the two most commonly used measures of functional ability? What are some of the reasons that there is a slight increase in disability rates among the baby boomers?
7. What are the primary causes of death in old age? Describe some differences in causes of death among populations of color.
8. What are some of the physiological changes that increase the risk of accidents among older drivers?
9. If you were developing a health promotion program for older adults, what activities would you be sure to include in the program? How might you increase the motivation of older adults to participate in such a program?