List three challenges in a ccessing health and long- term care that LGBT elders may face compared to their heterosexual peers.

1. What are the ways that informal support systems often
change as people age? Discuss the benefits of informal
supports for physical and mental well-being in old age.
2. The Beatles had a famous song with the line “I get by
with a little help from my friends.” Identify at least
three ways that friendship networks can enhance
well-being in old age.
3. We often have an image that older a dults live alone,
are lonely, and are socially isolated. Cite evidence
from the readings that is contrary to this image.
4. List three challenges in a ccessing health and long-
term care that LGBT elders may face compared to
their heterosexual peers.
5. What are some of the reasons that different studies
and polls have varied findings regarding the number
of LGBT elders in the total population?
6. What are three of the ways that contemporary fami-
lies are changing? Identify the primary reasons that
there has been an increase in multigenerational fami-
lies in the past decade

7. Discuss how living arrangements, such as whether
one is living alone or with family or caring for grand-
children, may vary among older adults of color.
8. What are two of the reasons why sibling relation-
ships can be a powerful source of social support in
old age?
9. If you were training staff in a long-term care facil-
ity, such as a skilled nursing home, to respect older
residents’ privacy, what would you tell them about
older adults’ sexuality and desire for intimacy? Be
sure to include the needs of LGBT elders in your
10. What are some of the ways that the grandparenting
role benefits both the grandparent and grandchild?
11. What are some of the pros and cons of pet ownership
for older adults?