How did others respond to your nonconformity? Do you think they noticed a difference in your behavior? What attributions did people make for your behavior, and why?

Conformity and Obedience

Day of Nonconformity
“Our Social Psychology class will observe a ‘Day of Nonconformity.’ To participate in this event, your challenge will be to live each minute of that day in a way that is as uninfluenced as possible by conformity pressures to appear cool, fit in with a group, or go along with others to be liked or accepted. In other words, for a full 24-hr period you should live in a way that is true to yourself while not infringing on the rights of others.” This creative assignment is from Scott Plous.
Please answer the following questions.
How did you define nonconformity, and what did you focus your efforts on?
If your behavior was different than normal, which person did you like more: the “Day of Nonconformity you” or the “normal you”?
If you preferred the “Day of Nonconformity you,” what are the psychological factors that prevent this “you” from coming out?
What are the psychological costs and benefits of living authentically? In your view, do the benefits outweigh the costs?
How did others respond to your nonconformity? Do you think they noticed a difference in your behavior? What attributions did people make for your behavior, and why?
If you wanted to encourage others to behave as you did during the Day of Nonconformity, what psychological techniques would you use?
If you were to predict your behavior one month from now, do you think it will be changed in any way as a result of participating in the Day of Nonconformity? If so, how? If not, why not?