Explain how ethical standards will be maintained throughout the study. Explain how ethical approval will be sought and from which bodies e.g. UEL school research committee, NHS ethics approval.

Ethical Considerations:
Explain how ethical standards will be maintained throughout the study.
Explain how ethical approval will be sought and from which bodies e.g. UEL school research committee, NHS ethics approval.
Informed consent: Explain how informed consent will be sought from participants.
Confidentiality: Explain how participant confidentiality and anonymity will be ensured.
Data security: Explain how data will be kept securely throughout the study.
Health and safety: Explain any health and safety issue e.g. is a risk assessment needed? Ethical Considerations:
Ethical approval is not usually required when conducting a literature review unless you plan to access sensitive data that is not publicly available.
What will your proposal add to the current body of knowledge in your chosen area of interest?
Will it influence Public Health practice? If so How?