As you are a marketing consultant, analyse the marketing tactics adopted by: your choice of company (providing services), and propose ways to enhance customer experience and increase revenue.

Services Marketing Mangement Assessment – Individual Report

As you are a marketing consultant, analyse the marketing tactics adopted by:  your choice of company (providing services), and propose ways to enhance customer experience and increase revenue. Address your consultancy report to your client, the CEO of your chosen company. (E.g.: Airline such as Ryanair, Easyjet, etc could be a good company to analyse. Try to choose a company that operates in the United Kingdom too.)

Word count: 3,000 words (±10%) maximum: approximately, executive summary 300 words; introduction 500 words including introduction to your chosen company, main body 1,900 words (analysis 900 words, proposal 1,000 words), conclusion 300 words. These are inclusive of in text references. Anything you wish not to be included within the 3,000 words should be in the appendix. Therefore, if you include tables and figures in the text, these will count towards the 3,000 words.