Why did you select this style for this leader? Are you similar and why? Are you different and why?

Leadership Style

Part One

Select a famous leader of your choice. After some research, describe who you selected. You may discuss why you chose them, where they work, what makes them a good or bad leader, how many people they lead, etc. (Basically, just write a little about his life, what he done, and why is he a leader). The leader should be someone you can research (famous enough to have an article or book written about them). Finally, identify the leadership style you believe the leader portrays.

Part Two

Which leadership style are you and why? Pick one of the leadership styles listed above. Compare and contrast your leadership style to the style you believe your selected leader portrays.

Why did you select this style for this leader? Are you similar and why? Are you different and why? Do you hope to mimic this leader and his/her style? What did you learn through the research process that was new to you? What are some of the unique skills associated with this style?

Remember to choose only one of the leadership styles listed above to describe you and the leader Malcolm X.