What concerns about informed consent exist in the incident?

Jack works for a community mental health center that provides services for a Rural county. He is a Licensed Professional Counselor and is well respected in the community. Jack was asked by the center to lead a parent training group for parents referred through the Department of Social Services (DSS). He had facilitated this type of group several times in the past and had attended special training on parenting groups. Jack was told by the DSS to keep records of attendance and participation and to submit them to the DSS at the conclusion of the group sessions. These records would be used to document that referred members followed through with their required participation in the group.
The group met weekly for 6 weeks. At the initial group meeting, Jack told all of the participants that he was going to “submit verification of attendance to the Department of Social Services” at the conclusion of the 6 weeks. Jack then passed an attendance checklist to the members and repeated this message about attendance at subsequent meetings.
At the end of the 6 weeks of group meetings, Jack collected his attendance sheets and wrote a summary of the group members’ participation.
One of the members, Troy, had disclosed during the course of the group that one of the reasons he was required to attend the group was because he had been accused of abusing his wife in front of his children. Troy was an imposing man who often appeared angry although he was usually reserved during the group meetings. Jack wrote extensively about Troy in his summary. Although he had not made separate notes at the end of each group session, Jack prided himself on his ability to remember past sessions.
Jack wrote that Troy appeared hostile and resistant throughout the group and that his mannerisms throughout the group were “intimidating.”
Jack concluded that based on these observations, it was likely that Troy was continuing to be abusive in the home. Soon after Jack submitted this information to the Department of Social Services, Troy’s children were removed from the home.
This incident raises certain ethical questions as well as possible legal concerns. Consideration should be given to Jack’s education, training, experience, credentials, and the ethical guidelines that may apply. Jack’s ability to implement and maintain appropriate records is questioned.
What ethical concerns are raised by Jack’s handling of notetaking?
As a professional counselor, what are your thoughts about the appropriateness of Jack’s impressions of Troy’s abusive behavior?
What concerns about informed consent exist in the incident?