Select one of the buildings listed under Files: Identify which building you selected. Select 3 different spaces/rooms from the floor plan. Estimate the occupancy for each room.

Codes Design Journal

The purpose of the Codes Design Journal is to give students an opportunity to observe use of building codes, standards, and guidelines in practice.

Each week you will review building plans with a focus on the Code Specifications. Additionally, you will add information based on in-person observations along with photos. You will also add feedback from peers on your findings.

(1) Select one of the buildings listed under Files: Identify which building you selected. Select 3 different spaces/rooms from the floor plan. Estimate the occupancy for each room.

(2) For the building you selected, identify the construction type and describe the construction materials. Identify the height of the building.

(3) Photograph two different buildings. List the construction type for each building.