Does SPOTIFY business model devalue music and musicians? Are there competitors that offer streaming services more fairly structured to all parties involved? If so, who are they?

What is the cost of a SPOTIFY streaming account?
How many subscribers does SPOTIFY claim to have?

How much $ does SPOTIFY make based on # of subscribers? (cost of subscription x # of subscribers)

How much does SPOTIFY pay artists per stream?

Are SPOTIFY contracts between SPOTIFY & the artist or SPOTIFY & RECORD LABEL?

Is this model FAIR and SUSTAINABLE to the artists?

In any other business, can you name a compensation model similar to SPOTIFY’s? (In other words, can we pay doctors, lawyers, politicians, actors, sports figures, etc the same way that musicians are being paid by SPOTIFY?)

Does SPOTIFY business model devalue music and musicians? Are there competitors that offer streaming services more fairly structured to all parties involved? If so, who are they?