Demonstrate a systematic, contextual and critical knowledge and understanding of the key theories, concepts and principles of Equity and Trusts.

Demonstrate a systematic, contextual and critical knowledge and understanding of the key theories, concepts and principles of Equity and Trusts.

Critically understand the limitations of current law and proposals for reform.

Consolidate skills of independent research, enquiry, analysis, synthesis and convey complex information from a wide range of sources.

Reflect on and evaluate equitable concepts, doctrines, interests and remedies.

Critically analyse the importance of formality requirements and distinguish between legal and equitable interests.

Identify and categorise trusts, and critically evaluate the requirements for a valid trust.

Critically analyse the rules applying to the creation and operation of trusts.

Consolidate essay writing skills to devise and sustain arguments in order to construct wellstructured and balanced legal reasoning (C1 and C2).

Consolidate legal problemsolving skills to identify the relevant issues and apply relevant principles to solve a complex problem question (C1, C2, C3, C5 and C6).