What would be the core values that best define yourself as a person and future professional? What would be your core purpose as a future professional?

Title: Vision of Yourself and One Organisation (I chose the Queensland Police Force)
Type: Assignment–Written Assignment
Learning Outcomes Assessed: 1. Articulate a vision of yourself in terms of ideology, values, purpose
2. Locate mission, vision or value statements of organisations within the criminology and criminal justice system, and evaluate their alignment with your personal ethos

This assessment involves applying the Vision Framework (core values and core purpose) developed by Collins and Porras (1996) (see your reading/slides in class) to your current situation and one organisation.
Based on the concepts of core ideology covered in class (core values and core purpose), identify one organisation related to criminology and criminal justice and apply the Vision Framework.

Briefly outline its core values and core purpose. Finally, based on the concept of ‘envisioned future’ covered in class, articulate a vision of the future for the organisation and provide a short description of how this future could potentially look like.
[ Part 1: approx. 250 words ]

Repeat this exercise for yourself. In other words, based on the same concepts of core values, core purpose, and envisioned future, apply the Vision Framework to yourself.

What would be the core values that best define yourself as a person and future professional?

What would be your core purpose as a future professional?

Articulate a vision of the future–your vision of the future–what does the future hold for you?
[ Part 2: approx. 250 words ]

Show alignment between the Vision Framework for yourself and the Vision Framework of the organisation chosen and discuss how and to which extent your Vision Framework is congruent with the Vision Framework for the organisation. Are your core values, core purpose and envisioned future consistent with those of the chosen organisation?

What are your reasons for choosing this organisation – do these align with your values, or are they different? Please provide an explanation around those two questions.