The FASB was created in 1973. What kind of guidance was available to accountants before 1973? How has that changed with the creation of the FASB?

Choose one of the following topics to research:
Major accounting scandals from the 1990’s until the present. Two major scandals from the late 1990’s and early 2000’s were Enron and World Com. Make sure to mention the accounting principle(s)/rule(s) violated in the scandal.

The FASB was created in 1973. What kind of guidance was available to accountants before 1973? How has that changed with the creation of the FASB?

How has financial accounting changed as new technologies arise? Make sure to address how financial data is at risk and how it can be protected.

Research different accounting software programs. Quick books is the most popular accounting software but find other programs that are also available. Include software programs that are available for specific industries and include the pros and cons of each program you discuss. You should discuss at least 3 accounting software programs.

Find the most recent annual report for one of your favorite companies. (The company must be publicly traded, i.e. the stock sold on a stock exchange, to easily find the annual report).

Discuss the company’s performance over the year of the report. Look at the revenue/net income trends for the company (3 years of data will be given). Note any other significant financial information from the balance sheet or income statement. Give your opinion on the company’s future and back your opinion up with information from the annual report.