Why would some bat sequences have needed to undergo positive selection related to flight?

Attached is the file dpp4.fst. It contains mRNA sequences of dipeptidyl-peptidase 4 mRNA sequences from various organisms. Use MEGA to align the sequences with MUSCLE so that you can build phylogenetic trees.
Run a Maximum Parsimony and a Maximum Likelihood tree. Which best fits the dppimage file (attached)?

Submit the ML tree.

A specific gene’s phylogeny does not always exactly match species phylogeny. Give two reasons why that could happen.

The paper from which the image was selected suggests that the dpp4 bat sequences are positively selected genes. If that is the case, which would you expect to be higher—the non-synonymous substitution rate or the synonymous substitution rate? Briefly explain.

Some bat genes that are involved in cellular processes associated with flight are also positively selected genes.

Why would some bat sequences have needed to undergo positive selection related to flight?