Traditional sports versus ‘virtual’ sports: is there a legitimate place for both in schools?

Topic: Traditional sports versus ‘virtual’ sports: is there a legitimate place for both in schools?
Virtual sports which replicate actual sports, and e-Sports (video game competitions which are generally strategy and fighting games) are becoming increasingly sophisticated in terms of their ability to simulate the action of real sports and physical activity. These are being trialled at your old school and you have been asked for your opinion on this innovation.
Do you think that virtual sports have the potential to replace actual participation in sport, or are they useful only as a supplement to existing programs?
Where do e-Sports fit in?

Drawing on research and your own experiences and emphasising the differences/similarities and benefits or otherwise of the experiences of actual versus virtual and/or e-sport, put forward your case either for or against the introduction of such a program.If you are in favour, explain how you would implement such a program and consider the impact on key stakeholders including students, staff and parents, and how they might respond. Include definitions or explanations of key elements and phrases, including the definition of ‘sport’ and your understanding of

what sports should involve or include to meet the needs of the participants.Is gender an issue?

This is an argumentative essay so you must prove that your point of view is more valid than that of others. Make a list of the pros and cons in your plan before you start writing.

Choose the most important ideas that support your argument (the pros) and the most important to refute (the cons) and focus on them. Make a case for accepting or rejecting a position by systematically giving reasons and evidence for or against it.

Demonstrate that you are aware of opposing viewpoints and provide grounds for rejecting them using evidence.