Forms of local governments : Describe two forms of local governments in the U.S. and their effect on planning.

Forms of local governments

Describe two forms of local governments in the U.S. and their effect on planning.

  • Consult ICMA for forms of local government.

Analyze how the two forms of local government you selected use the planning process, and describe which comprehensive or incremental planning technique was chosen? What were the outcomes?

Determine a biblical viewpoint with the methodology chosen. Use scripture to support the position.

Integrate Biblical verses rather than at the end of the paper. Items to include are outlined as follows:

• Length of assignment is 2,000 – 2,500-words (8 – 10-pages)
• Format of assignment: APA format with 1-inch margins, 12-pt.
• Number of citations: 8 – 10 scholarly sources to fully support your assertions and conclusions. These should be cited in accordance with APA guidelines.