Unit economics: Choose a franchise; research & explain its unit economic model.

Unit economics:

Choose a franchise; research & explain its unit economic model.
Choose a franchise that has an FDD with good information in Item 19, either from the samples in the Study section above, or from your own research. The State of Minnesota provides online access to FDD’s of franchises that register with them. See https://www.cards.commerce.state.mn.us/CARDS/
On the CARDS site, choose Area of Interest = Franchise Registrations. When searching for a franchise, enter the brand name of the franchise in the box labeled Franchise.Search results will return a long list of documents. Choose the most recent Renewal/Annual Report.

Minor Project 1 report:
No more 1,200 words plus tables, modeled after the analysis in the Note on Unit Economics (Attached). You may rely solely on the FDD for this report; how