Commerce : Focusing on applying course concepts to create a viable and effective marketing strategy for your company write a report at the level of the business division, what can the company do, to ensure future success in a competitive marketplace?


Focusing on applying course concepts to create a viable and effective marketing strategy for your company write a report at the level of the business division, what can the company do, to ensure future success in a competitive marketplace?

For this report, you will follow the 5 steps in STP as laid out in Chapter 6 of the textbook and the Chapter 6 lectures.


 1 .Objective/business strategy

 2. Clear state your overall strategy/objectives. Identify relevant segmentation bases with justification. Using a good mix of segmentation bases, identify several viable market segments for the business division.

 3. Evaluate market segments on Segment attractiveness on the basis of: Identifiable,Reachable, Substantial and Profitable and Responsiveness.

4. Select a single target market for the report with clear reasoning and justification.

5. Identify and develop a positioning strategy for your business division that you believe will best resonate with your target market.

The page limit for Report is 10 pages double-spaced (NOT including title page, table of contents, appendices, endnotes, or bibliography