Choose your essay topic: personal growth or language identity.Brainstorm about your topic and generate 3 ideas/examples that you could write about as part of your essay.


Read or reread the essays and poems from this unit:

Personal Growth

  • On Being a Trans Woman, and Giving Up Makeup, by Meredith Talusan
  • Learning to Swim Taught Me More Than I Bargained for, by Jazmine Hughes
  • The Crossing, by Jhumpa Lahiri
  • blessing the boats, by Lucille Clifton

Linguistic Identity

  • How to Tame a Wild Tongue, by Gloria Anzaldúa
  • Mother Tongue, by Amy Tan
  • Professional Spanish Knocks at the Door, by Elizabet Velasquez


Review the assignment for Essay .

Choose your essay topic: personal growth or language identity.Brainstorm about your topic and generate 3 ideas/examples that you could write about as part of your essay.