What is your research topic? Describe your topic in 1-2 sentences.What have others said about your topic?

A. Introduction to your research topic & research question
I. Literature Review – answer the following questions in paragraph form (2 points):
a. What is your research topic? Describe your topic in 1-2 sentences.
b. What have others said about your topic?
How does this prior research inform your research question?
Build on the summaries that you wrote of the four articles (Assignment #3 – Four articles assignment) and synthesize your discussion of the findings of each article.
Look at the themes that cut across the findings of each article and discuss these themes in one paragraph each.
We expect to see between 2-4 paragraphs describing what previous research has found out about your topic.
II. Your research question – do the following in one paragraph (1 point):
a. State your research question
b. Show how the question flows from your literature review. Note: Draw from assignment 3 & 4 (Research Question) and the feedback you received on that assignment

B. Proposed Approach to Answering the Research Question
I. This section is based on the discussion of the methods in your article summaries, asking you to synthesize the following information across the four articles in 2-3 paragraphs (2 points):
Follow steps a-c below to provide a detailed discussion of the research approaches you found in your literature.
a. Research design of your four literature examples: Demonstrate whether your four literature examples use experimental, cross-sectional, longitudinal, and/or case study designs. Which approach will you take? You can take a different approach or the same approach of one or more of your articles.
b. Ontological and epistemological approach: Discuss the approaches in the four articles? Which approach will you take? Note that you can take a different approach.
c. Nomothetic or Idiographic approach: Discuss the approaches in the four articles? Which approach will you take? Note that you can take a different approach.
II. Think through all the research steps associated with collecting data and provide detailed information on each step (6 points):
Follow steps a-d below to provide a detailed account of the specific methodology that you will use for your study.
a. Start by identifying (one paragraph) your research design, your ontological and epistemological approach and state whether you will take a nomothetic or idiographic approach.
Then answer the following questions in paragraph form (b should be one paragraph, c and d can be discussed together in one paragraph):
b. Who will be your research subjects (what is your research population)? How many people will participate in your study? How large is the sample? Explain why you chose this approach. (one paragraph)
c. Will you conduct quantitative or qualitative research? Explain why you chose this approach. Section c and d can be one paragraph
d. What type of qualitative or quantitative approach will you take? Explain why you chose this approach. For quantitative approaches identify whether you will do a survey, an experiment, whether it will be cross-sectional or longitudinal, use already existing data or a new survey, etc. For qualitative approaches identify whether you want to do semi-structured interviews, focus groups, ethnography/participant observation.
C. Ethical Implications
How will you ensure that your research follows the three guidelines of the TriCouncil approach to ethics (respect for persons, concern for welfare, and justice, see chapter 3)? How will you explain your study to participants and get their consent?  Write 1-2 paragraphs about ethical considerations. (2 points)
D. Conclusion
What do you anticipate your study will contribute to our knowledge? What are its limitations?  How might your results affect policy or a group in society? Write 1-2 paragraphs discussing these questions. (2 points)