Which one of the following regulations encompasses the California State Drinking Water Act?

1. What are the basic requirements in order to take the D1 exam?
a. have successfully completed one 3 unit course
b. have a high school diploma or equivalent
c. successfully completed two 3 unit courses
d. both a and b
2. What does SWRCB stand for?
a. Safe Water Regional Control Board
b. State Water Regional Control Board
c. State Water Resources Control Board
d. Safe Water Resources Conservation Bureau
3. What is the title of a utility worker who is in direct charge of the operation of a
water distribution facility for a specified period of a day?
a. chief operator
b. shift operator
c. distribution operator
d. All of the above
4. How many levels are in water distribution certification?
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5
5. When did humans begin to transport water in distribution systems for
a. 500 years ago
b. 1,500 years ago
c. 2,500 years ago
d. 3,500 years ago
6. Which one of the following regulations encompasses the California State
Drinking Water Act?
a. Title 11
b. Title 22
c. Title 33
d. Title 44
19 | W a t e r D i s t r i b u t i o n O p e r a t o r I
7. Which one of the following would not be considered a main goal of a water
a. provide a safe and potable water supply to the customer
b. provide a reliable water supply to the customer
c. provide this water supply at a reasonable cost with excellent service to
the customer
d. ensure your public retirement pension is fully funded