What describes an unconfined aquifer?Which of the following materials is not a common well screen?

1. If an airline measuring device used to measure the depth to groundwater displays a
pressure of 125 psi, what is the depth in feet?
a. 125 feet
b. 289 feet
c. 54 feet
d. None of the above
2. What describes an unconfined aquifer?
a. more susceptible to contamination than a confined aquifer
b. less susceptible to contamination than a confined aquifer
c. typically deep within the earth’s crust
d. not a common source of water for a water utility
3. How is a sounding tube used?
a. to hear if a motor is running correctly
b. to test the flow of a well
c. to measure the depth to groundwater within a well
d. to see if a well works properly
4. Which of the following materials is not a common well screen?
a. stainless steel
b. iron
c. Monel metal
d. special nickel alloy
5. What is the annular seal commonly made of?
a. plastic
b. steel
c. bentonite clay
d. all of the above