Describe what life was like for this group prior to colonization. Answer as many of these questions as you can with the resources that you find. You can also provide information in addition to these questions:

For the midterm essay, you will research the native group that once inhabited the land where you grew up (if you grew up in North America), or where you currently reside.

Using the Native Nations textbook, as well as online sources, such as Wikipedia, YouTube, or the current website for the tribe today, answer the following questions:

1.) Describe what life was like for this group prior to colonization. Answer as many of these questions as you can with the resources that you find. You can also provide information in addition to these questions:

What did they eat and how did they acquire their food?

How did they dress?

What type of structures did they live in?

What language did they speak?

How long did they live in that area prior to colonization?

What types of spiritual beliefs did they have?

How were their families organized?

What were their relationships like with neighboring native groups?

2.) Describe some of their encounters with colonists and how the process of colonization affected them.

3.) Describe what life is like for members of this group today. For example, are they attempting to revitalize their traditional culture and language? Does the tribe own any businesses? If they have a tribal website, what is their system of justice? What is their healthcare system like? Do the members of the tribe reside on a reservation, and if so, is it where they originally lived prior to colonization? Are there any problems currently facing their community?

4.) To what extent is this group currently acknowledged by the city or town that has taken over their lend? Are there any museums? Are there places named after them? If you are writing about the group that lived where you grew up, do you remember learning about them in school? Do you feel that enough is being done to acknowledge this group?