Identify the study data collection points. Why was it important for Oh & Cho (2020) to collect data more than once? (Hint: What gap in knowledge did the researchers aim to fill?)

Journal Article Worksheet #2

Answer the following questions using complete sentences. Explain your answer in a few sentences to adequately address each question. Answers should be grammatically correct without spelling or punctuation errors.

Oh and Cho (2020) describe the research design of their study as “prospective”. What information do the authors provide that confirms that the study is prospective? (1 point)

What is the purpose of the study by Oh and Cho (2020)? (Consider the full purpose statement in the Introduction section, not the abstract.) Identify the independent variable(s) and the dependent variable(s). (1 point)

Identify the study data collection points. Why was it important for Oh & Cho (2020) to collect data more than once? (Hint: What gap in knowledge did the researchers aim to fill?) (1 points)

Describe the data collection strategies used in the study by Oh and Cho (2020). How was demographic data collected? (1 point)

Oh and Cho (2020) described three instruments used in data collection. Complete the tables below by identifying each of the instruments and filling in the appropriate information for each instrument. (Fill in your responses in the second column; the rows will expand as needed as you type in your responses.) (6 points)

Name of Instrument
Variable measured
Type of Scale
Ratings or rankings
How is instrument scored
Level of measurement

Name of Instrument
Variable measured
Type of Scale
Ratings or rankings
How is instrument scored
Level of measurement

Name of Instrument
Variable measured
Type of Scale
Ratings or rankings
How is instrument scored
Level of measurement

Bonus Question
Explain the appropriateness of Oh and Cho’s (2020) selection of the health-related quality of life (HRQOL) model by Ferrans, Zerwic, Wilbur, and Larson (2005) as the theoretical framework for the study. (3 points)