Compare the Classical and Medieval Bodies Politic. Where were they healthy and where were they sick? Be sure to mention Plato, Aristotle, Augustine, and Aquinas, and give an account of how the advent of the Church revolutionized the political forms and institutions of classical political theory.  

Classical and Medieval Christian bodies politic assignment

Compare the Classical and Medieval Bodies Politic. Where were they healthy and where were they sick?

Be sure to mention Plato, Aristotle, Augustine, and Aquinas, and give an account of how the advent of the Church revolutionized the political forms and institutions of classical political theory.

Items to include are outlined as follows:
Two double-spaced pages (not including the required title page and bibliography) with default margins and in 12-pt Times New Roman font.
APA Format
Citations to at least 5 scholarly sources, one of which must be the course text, are required.
Scriptural excerpts with citations are required in all written assignments, but these do not count toward the required sources
Acceptable sources: course text, course notes, course presentations, academic journal articles, and books published by university presses.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.