Question 1

You apply for a role as a senior HR manager in a large private sector organisation. As part of the selection process, you are asked to make a ten minute presentation on what you consider to be ONE major way in which the HR function can add value for an organisation. What would you say and why? Justify your answer with reference to your reading.

Question 2

To what extent do you consider your organisation’s HR and L&D practices to be ‘vertically aligned’ with its business strategy? Justify your answer.

Question 3

Illustrating your answer with examples, explain how HR and L&D activity in an organisation can
help to promote its values.

Question 4

Burke and Litwin (1992) define ‘organisational climate’ as being the ‘collective impressions,
expectations and feelings’ that employees currently have towards their employer. They go on to
argue that policy and practice in the field of reward management plays a major role in influencing
‘organisational climate’. To what extent do you agree, and why? Justify your answer with
reference to your reading and personal experience.

Question 5

Your Chief Executive Officer (CEO) has e-mailed you following a networking webinar which
included a brief presentation about ‘high commitment models of HRM’. She asks you to critically
evaluate the pros and cons of either adopting this model for your organisation or making further
use of it. Draft a 1000 word briefing paper on this topic for your CEO.

Question 6

In their paper “A meta-analysis of different HR-enhancing practices and performance of small and
medium sized firms”, Rauch and Hatak (2016) reported evidence of a strong, positive relationship
between some HR practices and organisational performance. Drawing on academic research,
explain how your organisation could implement new HR practices in order to lift its performance.
Justify your answer.

Question 7

Critically evaluate the strengths and limitations of a best practice approach to HRM in a post-
pandemic world of work. Illustrate your answer with examples.

Level 7 Advanced Diploma

Question 8

Bundles of high-performance work practices (HPWPs), such as those promoted by Pfeffer (1998),
are associated with benefits for organisations and employees including higher business
performance and employee satisfaction. What are the main barriers that can sometimes serve to
prevent organisations achieving the full benefit from high-performance work practices? Justify
your answer.

Question 9

You have been invited to deliver a guest lecture at a university for students on a final year
undergraduate HRM programme. Your brief is to provide students an insight into your role as a
people management professional. What would you highlight as being the main features of your
role? Justify your answer with examples.

Question 10

Drawing on your reading, identify and critically evaluate any ONE significant, contemporary
development in the field of employee selection.

Question 11

You are asked to critically evaluate management development activity in your organisation. What
are its main strengths and weaknesses? What ONE proposal would you make to improve its
effectiveness? Justify your answer.

Question 12

How can people management professionals best support line managers in sustaining good quality
employment relationships when interacting with their teams virtually? Justify your answer.

Question 13

What are the main advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing HRM and L&D activity to
consultants and sub-contractors? Illustrate your answer with examples.

Question 14

Farndale (2005) defined a professional HR function as one which is ‘perceived to make a valued
strategic contribution to organizational life’. A CIPD (2020:18) report later found that people
management professionals ‘with a more strategic role find more meaning and purpose from their
work’. This suggests that HR and L&D work is ‘professional’ when it is ‘strategic’. To what extent
do you agree or disagree with this proposition? Justify your answer.

Level 7 Advanced Diploma

Question 15

Write a 1,000 word briefing paper for your senior management team on how your organisation’s HR

/ L&D functions might usefully partner with either a major customer or a major supplier to share
good practice in respect of a current challenge.

Question 16

Whilst there is a great deal of potential for HR and L&D managers to use people data to inform
decision-making, there is often a lack of capability amongst people management professionals in
this area. To what extent do you agree with this viewpoint? Justify your answer.