Assume that the ground water level is located at the top of the clay layer in Figure 1, and the clay layer has c’ = 75kPa, ø’=7o, γ = 19kN/m3, calculate the factor of safety, and compare with the values calculated in

Task and Mark Distribution
Component B1 – Site investigation design problem (1000 words)
A geotechnical investigation report for a proposed building is on blackboard under the coursework
material folder. Produce a detailed critique of the geotechnical investigation report following the
recommendation of the code of practice for ground investigations as outlined in BS 5930:2015+A1:2020
and other relevant materials.
Component B2 – Embankment design problem (1000 words)
A slope can be a natural slope or one created by excavation or an embankment created by engineering
fill. Slope stability is the potential of a naturally occurring or engineered soil slope such as embankment
slopes, cuttings, excavations to withstand ground movement. Geotechnical engineers have to pay
particular attention to geology, surface drainage, groundwater, and the shear strength of soils in
assessing slope stability however, a previously stable slope may become unstable, leading to a mass
movement due to increase in shear stress or decrease in shear strength.
(a) Write a review on ten (10) case histories of recent slope failures and summarise your findings using table, stating the case and the cause of failure.
(b) An embankment slope consisting of a granular fill is underlain by a deep deposit of clay of specific gravity of 2.65. The granular fill has a bulk unit weight of 19.3 kN/m3, effective cohesion, c = 7.2 kPa and internal friction angle, φ′ = 30°. If the clay soil has varying moisture content and undrained shear strength
at different times of the year as presented in Table 1, investigate the stability of the embankment slope using the slip circle shown in Figure 1. How does the varying soil properties influence the stability of the slope? Draw the slope to scale on a graph paper or using CAD and split the sliding section up into a
suitable number of slices.
Table 1. Properties of clay
Property Values
Moisture content (%) 27 30 35 40
Void ratio 0.71 0.55 0.5 0.48
Undrained shear strength
32.5 28 20 18
(c) Assume that the ground water level is located at the top of the clay layer in Figure 1, and the clay layer has c’ = 75kPa, ø’=7o, γ = 19kN/m3, calculate the factor of safety, and compare with the values calculated in (b) above.