What were the main items on the agenda? Were there any major debates that occurred at the meeting? Was there anything that surprised you?

City Meeting Reaction Paper
Governing States and Localities by Kevin B. Smith and Alan Greenblat (Eighth edition). ” NO OUTSIDE SOURCES”

“Use this link ( ) to watch and do this paper”

write a three page analysis of a city meeting (city council, school board, etc.) that you will attend. The most convenient city council meeting would be in Quincy.

What were the main items on the agenda?

Were there any major debates that occurred at the meeting?

Was there anything that surprised you?

What did you like about the meeting?

What did you dislike about the meeting?

Do you plan to attend another meeting?

It is important that you prove that you attended the meeting. One way of doing this is citing examples from the meeting. You can also provide photographic evidence (a picture with a city council member from the meeting). If you are unable to attend a meeting, another option is to watch a previous meeting online. In that case, you will need to answer the above questions and provide examples from the meeting. This assignment should take you at least two hours to complete.”

You will respond to these questions in a paper of at least three pages. Any assignment under three full pages will be penalized. On the other hand, you will not be penalized if you go over three pages in writing your reaction paper.

The assignments will be double-spaced, be in Times New Roman, and use 12 point font.

The paper will also be graded on spelling, writing, and grammar. It is crucial that you proofread your paper in order to prevent any careless errors that could cost you points.

The paper will be checked for plagiarism using Unicheck. The penalty for plagiarism is a zero on the paper.

There will be a late penalty of a letter grade off for every day late (including weekends).