Show that (zw)a = zawa, where on the right we take all possible products.

1. Find all values and plot: (a) (l+i)i, (b) (_i)l+i , (c) 2- 1/ 2 , (d) (1+
iV3)(I-i) .
2. Compute and plot log [(1 + i)2i]. 28 I The Complex Plane and Elementary Functions
3. Sketch the image of the sector {O < arg z < 7r16} under the map
w = za for (a) a = ~, (b) a = i, (c) a = i + 2. Use only the
principal branch of za.
4. Show that (zw)a = zawa, where on the right we take all possible
5. Find iii. Show that it does not coincide with ii.i = i-I.
6. Determine the phase factors of the function za (1- z)b at the branch
points z = 0 and z = 1. What conditions on a and b guarantee that
za(1 z)b can be defined as a (continuous) single-valued function
on C\[O, I]?
7. Let Xl < X2 < … < Xn be n consecutive points on the real axis.
Describe the Riemann surface of y'(z Xl)··· (z xn). Show that
for n = 1 and n = 2 the surface is topologically a sphere with certain
punctures corresponding to the branch points and 00. What is it
when n = 3 or n = 4? Can you say anything for general n? (Any
compact Riemann surface is topologically a sphere with handles.
Thus a torus is topologically a sphere with one handle. For a given
n, how many handles are there, and where do they come from?)
8. Show that y’ z 2 -liz can be defined as a (single-valued) continu-
ous function outside the unit disk, that is, for Izl > 1. Draw branch
cuts so that the function can be defined continuously off the branch
cuts. Describe the Riemann surface of the function.
9. Consider the branch of the function y’z(z3 1)(z + 1)3 that is pos-
itive at z = 2. Draw branch cuts so that this branch of the function
can be defined continuously off the branch cuts. Describe the Rie-
mann surface of the function. To what value at z = 2 does this
branch return if it is continued continuously once counterclockwise
around the circle {izi = 2}?
10. Consider the branch of the function y’z(z3 -1)(z + 1)3(z -1) that
is positive at z = 2. Draw branch cuts so that this branch of the
function can be defined continuously off the branch cuts. Describe
the Riemann surface of the function. To what value at z = 2 does
this branch return if it is continued continuously once counterclock-
wise around the circle {Izl = 2}?
11. Find the branch points of .vz3 -1 and describe the Riemann
surface of the function