Explain Aristotle’s three forms of friendship in terms ofAre the all created equal? If Aristotle see’s one of them as best, why does he consider it best? what is exchanged? the duration of the relationship?

Instructions: Read these questions first, then read the text and watch the relevant videos. The questions on friendship focus on book 8 however Aristotle’s discussion of happiness in Book 10 is essential in understanding what friends will do together with and for one another in order to achieve happiness. As we have indicated the centrality of friendship in the N.E. implies that friendship is central to our happiness as human beings. The challenge remains the same as the issue of happiness. We know we what it, but what kind of friendship does Aristotle say will actually produce or contribute to our happiness? To answer that question we must have a clear idea of what happiness is. And the answer to that question is found in Book 10.
Remember that after you have answered your questions you must comment on two contributions from your fellow classmates.
Reading: Aristotle’s Ethics Books 2 & 3, 8-9
Questions: Books 2 & 3
1.     Explain the process by which human being achieve virtue.
(Make sure to discuss these terms in relation to this process)

Character (ethos)
Virtue (arete)
Happiness (eudaimonia)
Reading: Aristotle’s Ethics Book 8

Books 8

Explain Aristotle’s three forms of friendship in terms of Are the all created equal? If Aristotle see’s one of them as best, why does he consider it best?
what is exchanged?
the duration of the relationship?
is the person treated as a “means” or an “end” in themselves?
whether or not each relationship will assist in achieving our own happiness?
What is your opinion of each form  and which is best to you?
How is Complete Friendship connected to happiness and virtue?