Does divorce always have a negative effect on children?

The recommended length of each mini-essay is 650 words (1, 950 words total). For each question, it is recommended that you look at several academic sources to ensure the information you use is accurate, credible and to enable you to support your points with evidence. Please write using your own words, as the coursework will be submitted via Turnitin and will be checked for originality. Please do not include tables, graphs or bullet points in your answer. Like a short essay, your work must be in coherent prose. You must have a few sentences to introduce and provide context for your answer and a couple of sentences to conclude.

To reiterate, make sure you use credible academic sources. Wikipedia and Simply Psychology might be good starting points, but you need to look further than this. Do not use these types of sources in your reference list. Make use of academic books and journals.

You must provide a full reference list which combines all the sources used in the three essays into one list. 25% of the marks for this assessment will be allocated for correct APA referencing within the body of the 3 essays and the final reference list. The reliability and validity of your sources will also be taken into account when awarding marks.

Question for mini-essay 1: Does divorce always have a negative effect on children?

Question for mini-essay 2: How do social interactions influence infant brain development and learning?

Question for mini-essay 3: How important is attachment for healthy development?