. Do you have any experience that relates to “the dark night of the soul”? How has that affected you?

1. Describe an I-Thou encounter in your life. What was most significant about this
experience? How did you make that type of connection?
2. Describe the balance of freedom versus responsibility in your life and in your family
of origin. What cultural influences do you notice?
3. Describe your source of existential life meaning. How does this affect your thoughts,
moods, and daily activities?
4. Describe your beliefs about death. What are your fears and/or hopes related to
death? Where do these come from?
5. How do you experience the existential angst related to each persons fundamental
aloneness in life?
6. Do you have any experience that relates to the dark night of the soul? How has
that affected you?
7. What strengths does this approach have for working with diverse clients? What
8. How might this approach be useful with LGBTQ clients in the coming out process?