Comparing your expectations versus the reality you experienced with the use of technology in your internship.

Experiential Learning

1. Expectations vs. Reality Paper: Think back to your expectations in the fall or further back to before you completed your first accounting internship (if this is your second or third). How is reality different from what you expected? If you have prior accounting work experience, how has use of technology changed from your first internship/accounting work experience?

– Comparing your expectations versus the reality you experienced with the use of technology in your internship.

2. Unrelated, non-technology requirement: Think of one thing you can do for your colleagues or coworkers between now and the end of your Winter quarter experience that goes above and beyond what has been asked of you. Follow through with this idea and summarize in a few

sentences (max one page single-spaced) what you did and how your colleagues reacted.

Part II: Propose a recommendation for automation using RPA (Robotic Processing Automation:

3. Recommendation: Think about the processes at your company you interned at. What is one process you could automate with RPA? This could be a process used internally at the company, externally when performing audit services to the client, etc.

a. Addressing the following components. Please include a header for each of the following in your paper. (1 page)

i. Description of the current process (It might be helpful to do this through a flow chart.)

ii. Why do you want to automate that process

iii. Systems/data you would need to connect to in order to automate it

iv. Challenges you anticipate encountering with automating this process