Based on information you are able to find about Under Armour, how can you apply the innovation radar to its operations?

Question 1 – A) Based on information you are able to find about Nike, how does the company apply the brand architecture spectrum in its operations?

Question 1 – B) Contrast your work on Nike in (A) with two industry competitors.

• Two pages on Q1 – A & two pages on Q1 – B.
• Integrated facts, sound and logical arguments, supported by data or external resources that illustrate or strengthen a position.
• Truly get at the heart of each question posed in Question 1, part A & B.
• A level of detailed analysis or consideration is expected throughout the paper.
• Outside references are encouraged but citations must be provided.
• No direct quotes please.
• Provide some form of a graphic (data, graphs, charts, etc.) to show the brand architecture.
• Your choice of industry competitors can be used on Q1-B.
• Links that might be useful:

Question 2 – A) Based on information you are able to find about Under Armour, how can you apply the innovation radar to its operations?

Question 2 – B) Contrast your work on Under Armour in (A) with two industry competitors.

• Two pages on Q2 – A & two pages on Q2 – B.
• Integrated facts, sound and logical arguments, supported by data or external resources that illustrate or strengthen a position.
• Truly get at the heart of each question posed in Question 2, part A & B.
• A level of detailed analysis or consideration is expected throughout the paper.
• Outside references are encouraged but citations must be provided.
• No direct quotes please.
• Provide some form of a graphic (data, graphs, charts, etc.) to show how can you apply the innovation radar to its operations.
• Your choice of industry competitors can be used on Q2-B.